6 min readNov 12, 2020

The Encounter that changed my life

My one of many testimonies

  • My journey before Christ
  • Jesus appeared in my room

Matthew 10:32
Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.

Life without Christ was different for me, I was born a Muslim and grew up in a Muslim family. I was taught how to read the Quran, taught how to speak Arabic, I was fairly strong in my faith and believed in Allah and did my best to follow and keep his commandments. As I got older, I then became more mature, not relying on my parents faith. I started to develop my relationship with Allah, it wasn’t so different as it was before. I just was very conscious of the decision I’ve made being a Muslim and made sure I didn’t eat pork and drink alcohol etc. It was more of a relationship of what I should and shouldn’t do and how to please him the best way I can.

I wanted to know more about God than just what he expected from me. Being in Islam was very much the fear of the unknown. I knew Allah was merciful, forgiving, and knew it wasn’t guaranteed that I would go heaven. I knew I had to earn my way to heaven so that he can see that I was worthy. In all honesty, that was the norm for me and I didn’t complain. I believe that’s what I loved about Islam, the discipline it taught me. Until I felt something big was missing.. something I couldn’t avoid.

I was 18 at the time, when I slowly started questioning Islam, for the main reason, I didn’t have a connection with Allah so then I decided to leave Islam. Then there was a period that I had identified myself to a lot of things, it started from a Nubian, to agnostic then atheist to being spiritual. And then I got deep into astrology. This was between the ages of 18–27 I became so engrossed in these things that I had identified myself with them. If a person were to look at my life, they would probably think this girl is clearly trying to figure herself out lol. I truly was, I was missing something and I couldn’t put my finger on it until He showed up in my life.

I remember talking to my cousin about how lost I became, how much I felt incomplete, it’s as if I lost myself completely. I wasn’t myself at all. After I opened up to her, she recommended a book from Joyce Meyer, a Christian author. She had a devotional book called ‘the confident woman’. Inside the book, it had bible scriptures, and she wrote her own personal testimonies that happened in her life and how she overcame it and towards the end of the page it left with a prayer to God.

I started reading these pages day by day and it helped a little, It was a good pick up in the morning, but didn’t really change how I felt toward myself as much as I wanted it to. However, it did make me think about the existence of God. This was comforting because I felt connected to God in my own personal way. I just spoke to him, I didn’t think about Christianity or Islam or any other religion. I thought about him. Just God.

I then prayed one night asking for God to reveal to me who he was, after that I went about my business and carried on talking and praying to God the way I felt to.

I then was led to watch sermons and reading more books on Christianity. I was invited to church by my friends. I felt connected to Jesus, I felt a sense of belonging. His words just touched my heart and I fell in love with him and it was then I gave my life to Christ.

But it wasn’t over just yet…

Even though I had given my life to Christ, I still didn’t feel as connected as much I wanted to. Yes, I felt a sense of belonging but I still felt it wasn’t enough. I knew there was more to Christ because I saw it in my loved ones faces. It was this glow – the glow of true joy.

I remember being at my partner's house and I started having thoughts about the bible, scriptures that I had never known as I hadn’t read the bible fully. He will put me in remembrance of the things that he has said. John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirt, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring remembrance all things that I said to you.’

This is what kept happening, I felt so connected to him through his word, I began to believe everything his word said and it moved me.

However prayer was difficult for me, I wanted to feel connected whilst praying. Connected in a way that I believed he was there. During lockdown on April 2nd, 2020, my partner and his family members and I were praying to God for the nations and praying for healing for our country. I had never witnessed such a prayer that they had done. They were so connected, the prayers were so heartfelt, they were praying in the spirit. I didn’t feel as connected, truthfully I didn’t feel anything at all. But I desired to have that, I desired to have that connection that they did.

I remember after that phone call, I started listening to worship, the song was called Wrap me in your arms by William McDowell. Such a beautiful song. The song talks about asking God to take you into a secret place with him. It’s the desire to feel connected to him. I remember playing this song loud in my room and praying. I then felt this overwhelming emotion and broke down and asked Him that I wanted to become closer to him, I desired it so much. I had never prayed like that before, it was the best experience I had ever felt in my life.

From that prayer, I knew I will be connected to him like never before. I called it and I said I will get an encounter with him. Mark 11:24 “Therefore i say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them”

Not knowing, that this encounter. Will be sooner than I thought.

That night I slept, I was fast asleep then a voice woke me up and it sounded just like my partner's voice saying “The Lord’s presence is here wow wow wow” his voice then faded as I woke up. Then I felt this shaken on my back, shaking me.

I was astonished by this feeling because I was awake, I wasn’t dreaming. It’s as if his hands were on my back and I didn’t feel scared. I was just amazed and happy, I screamed with joy “ Oh God, Lord, Lord, Lord, omg” continually. I then asked God “show me who you are”? I then turned to my right side and saw the brightest light I had ever seen, such a pure bright light that could have almost blinded me, that’s how bright it was. It flashed before my eyes, the sound was like a flashing beam sound and when I closed my eyes and opened them. I saw this small figure – a glowing-like figure as white as the light on my pillow. The figure wore a gown and sandals on his feet on my pillow and it flew away.

Mathew 17:2 “and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light”

It was Jesus, Jesus came to my room and answered my prayer as he always does.

John 14:13–14 “and whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14. If you ask in My name, I will do it.”

Ever since that day which was April 3rd around 8 am. Since that day, Jesus has changed my life and is continually working on me and I’m forever in awe with him and so close to him. He has changed my life and so many others. I hope my testimony has blessed you, and I pray that this testimony and many others, will build your faith and believe that God is real, and hears you and most importantly longs to answer your prayer, all you have to do is believe.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Written by Anisha

Instagram: Anishanamu


A platform to share scripture based knowledge of God and testimonies.